Monday, January 23, 2006

Deep Sea UFOs

Este reportaje del History Channel estuvo muy interesante. El mismo forma parte de la serie UFO Files que sale al aire en el History Channel. Cuando tocaron el tema de los USO's Fueron a Puerto Rico, visitaron Laguna Cartagena y Sierra Bermeja, ademas entrevistaron a los investigadores UFO's de esta area. Me impresiono ver en la pantalla la ruta 303 en la cual disfruto en mi "mountain Bike" ademas de ver el Aerostato de Lajas y otras tomas de la costa sur, cerca del Faro de Cabo Rojo y la Pitahaya. A continacion sigue la reseña que tome del anuncio del History Channel, y abajo el link para los "uncoming episodes".

Deep Sea UFOs.

Airs on Tuesday, January 24 at 12:00am ET

Join us for a detailed examination of the little-known phenomenon of USOs, or "Unidentified Submerged Objects", an advanced type of UFO that can operate just as efficiently in water as in the atmosphere. These supposed otherworldly vessels have been reported, some believe, as far back as ancient Egypt. Others believe that USOs were reported by Alexander the Great and Christopher Columbus, and might even involve the lost city of Atlantis. Highlights include the 1967 "Shag Harbour Incident", a government-documented USO crash off the coast of Nova Scotia, Canada, and a trip to the area around Laguna Cartegena in Puerto Rico, a reported hotbed of USO activity. Interviewees include the US Navy's Bruce Maccabee, UCLA's Kathryn Morgan, as well as USO and UFO experts Stanton Friedman, Bill Birnes, and Preston Dennett. TVPG

History Channel UFO Files upcoming episodes

Espero los disfruten

1 comment:

Cheerful Robot said...


Thanks for commenting on my blog in regards to this episode of UFO FILES. I recorded the program but have not watched it yet.

How did you happen to stumble upon my blog? Thanks again for stopping by!

